Algae Biodiesel Organization (ABO) recently reaches a conclusion from the first-ever study that analyzed results from an existing algae-to-energy demonstration scale farm that Algae biodiesel burns cleaner than petroleum fuels and is less resource-int
San Diego will welcome thousands of advanced biofuel producers and enthusiasts tomorrow (2014-1-22)when the 2014 National Biodiesel Conference & Expo officially opens Tuesday at the convention center. While industry leaders can point to another year of re
The traditional new year of China---Spring Festival is coming soon, according to the regulation of National Holiday Office and the work development condition of company, the spring festival holiday notice is as following: Our holiday is from 29th Jan
Vietnam office The branch of Henan DOING Mechanical Equipment Co.,ltd, the Vietnam office, has been set up on Nov.2013. With the developing of the Southeast Asias pyrolysis oil market, a good after-sale service becomes more and more important.
Biodiesel could in future ease so-called ethanol “blend wall” concerns facing the U.S. transportation fuel industry, whose capacity to blend corn ethanol in gasoline is nearing its physical limit.
The production of biodiesel is just not as complex because it may sound. This technology has become employed on farms around the globe for many generations, but is only now gaining recognition within the mainstream. With all the appropriate ...
Rice bran oil extraction the method of solvent extraction to extract production of rice bran oil by rice bran oil extracion machine.In the processing of paddy into polished rice, it need to remove the shell and accounted about 10% total weight of...
Brazil's government said Thursday it is seeking Chinese help to finish work on two oil refineries, a sign of strengthening ties between the emerging powers as well as financial troubles at state-run oil giant.
New policy that gives a greenlight for tyre recycling machine.A report from 2003, cited by the EPA, says that markets ("both recycling and beneficial use") existed for 80.4% of scrap tires, about 233 million tires per year. Assuming 22.5 lbs per tire.
The Indonesia government is accelerating popularize the using of biodiesel this year,the 25th Minister regulations of Ministry of Energy in 2013 is explicitly stipulated, subsidy fuel oil must adulterate in 10% biodiesel, no subsidy fuel oil must ...
ASB Biodiesel (Hong Kong) Limited Company unveiled for the renewable biodiesel plant set in Hong Kong on 23th October, 2013. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Financial Secretary Zeng Junhua attended ceremony and gave a speech.
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[ November 13, 2014 ]Algae Biodiesel Organization says biodiesel getting cleaner and cleaner
Algae Biodiesel Organization (ABO) recently reaches a conclusion from the first-ever study that analyzed results from an existing algae-to-energy demonstration scale farm that Algae biodiesel burns cleaner than petroleum fuels and is less resource-int
[ January 25, 2014 ]National Biodiesel Conference & Expo in SAN DIEGO
San Diego will welcome thousands of advanced biofuel producers and enthusiasts tomorrow (2014-1-22)when the 2014 National Biodiesel Conference & Expo officially opens Tuesday at the convention center. While industry leaders can point to another year of re
[ January 24, 2014 ]Spring Festival Holiday Notice of Doing
The traditional new year of China---Spring Festival is coming soon, according to the regulation of National Holiday Office and the work development condition of company, the spring festival holiday notice is as following: Our holiday is from 29th Jan
[ January 24, 2014 ]The Vietnam Office Has Been Set Up
Vietnam office The branch of Henan DOING Mechanical Equipment Co.,ltd, the Vietnam office, has been set up on Nov.2013. With the developing of the Southeast Asias pyrolysis oil market, a good after-sale service becomes more and more important.
[ January 2, 2014 ]Biodiesel could ease U.S. “blend wall”
Biodiesel could in future ease so-called ethanol “blend wall” concerns facing the U.S. transportation fuel industry, whose capacity to blend corn ethanol in gasoline is nearing its physical limit.
[ January 2, 2014 ]The way to Make Biodiesel and Save The Atmosphere along with your Packet
The production of biodiesel is just not as complex because it may sound. This technology has become employed on farms around the globe for many generations, but is only now gaining recognition within the mainstream. With all the appropriate ...
[ January 2, 2014 ]Method of rice bran oil extraction
Rice bran oil extraction the method of solvent extraction to extract production of rice bran oil by rice bran oil extracion machine.In the processing of paddy into polished rice, it need to remove the shell and accounted about 10% total weight of...
[ January 2, 2014 ]Brazil are seeking Chinese help building oil refineries
Brazil's government said Thursday it is seeking Chinese help to finish work on two oil refineries, a sign of strengthening ties between the emerging powers as well as financial troubles at state-run oil giant.
[ January 2, 2014 ]New policy of Australia that gives a greenlight for tyre recycling machine
New policy that gives a greenlight for tyre recycling machine.A report from 2003, cited by the EPA, says that markets ("both recycling and beneficial use") existed for 80.4% of scrap tires, about 233 million tires per year. Assuming 22.5 lbs per tire.
[ January 2, 2014 ]Indonesia gradual popularization biodiesel
The Indonesia government is accelerating popularize the using of biodiesel this year,the 25th Minister regulations of Ministry of Energy in 2013 is explicitly stipulated, subsidy fuel oil must adulterate in 10% biodiesel, no subsidy fuel oil must ...
[ January 2, 2014 ]Hong Kong set renewable biodiesel plant to reduce carbon emission of motor vehic
ASB Biodiesel (Hong Kong) Limited Company unveiled for the renewable biodiesel plant set in Hong Kong on 23th October, 2013. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Financial Secretary Zeng Junhua attended ceremony and gave a speech.
[ January 2, 2014 ]